The national roundtables about the implementation of substitution measures of hazardous chemicals with authorities were organised in all three Baltic States at the end of 2016. The main goal of the meetings was to discuss and find the best solution on how to better implement the substitution measures at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and also inform the authorities about the project progress.
At the national roundtable in Lithuania it was discussed that even though companies are better informed about hazardous chemicals, however the threat hazardous chemicals can cause to the environment is not fully realized. Various options on how to encourage SMEs to substitute hazardous chemicals were looked at. One option would be to introduce SMEs with good practice examples.
In Estonia participants from different ministries, national institutions, representatives from companies and associations took part in national roundtable meeting. Topics on how the state could reach out and support private businesses in regards to chemical substances management, the lack of awareness and knowledge about hazardous chemicals at enterprises and the necessity of training were discussed.
Latvian authorities met to discuss the project progress, how to further implement certain project activities and topics regarding recruitment of companies and motivation of SMEs to participate in activities aimed at reducing the use of hazardous substances were discussed as well.