With the support of the Life Fit for REACH project the metal processing company Knk Mefab will no longer need to use hazardous substances in the grinding process.
By adding 10 new substances of very high concern (SVHCs) the Candidate List has grown to 191 different chemicals.
Estonian start-up UpSteam is gathering fame with offering environmentally friendly car washing service.
Swedish government decided to start an investigation of cocktail effect of chemicals.
The European Commission released its 2017 report on the Rapid Alert System for dangerous products. The report shows that in 2017, public authorities began to increasingly use the rapid alert system, as more than 2000 alerts were circulated on the system for hazardous products.
Hundreds of consumer products with illegal amounts of restricted chemicals - it is the result of a Europe-wide project of ECHA’s Enforcement Forum.
Henkel Balti produces around 55 million cans of polyurethane foam and 18 million cartridges of silicone sealants and bitumen every year. Even though the production volumes are high, Henkel Balti pays attention to every single factor that determines the using convenience of the final product.
Competent authorities from Europe, NGOs and academics have come together to develop smartphone application for consumers to identify substances of very high concern (SVHCs) in articles.