will help companies to ensure a more efficient management of chemicals and to substitute hazardous substances
The international seminar "Enforcement practices with regard to the REACH Regulation" will take place on 1st and 2nd of February in Tallinn in the presence of representatives from The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and REACH enforcement authorities from ten EU countries.
Our expert team has prepared six case stories about the substitution of such hazardous substances as Bisphenol A, Formaldehyde, Trichlorethylene, Chromium III, Zinc cyanide, and decaBDE.
What is the “Baltic factor” and which parameters describe it in case of substitution of hazardous substances? Find it out in our report Specific Baltic criteria. Description of specific Baltic situation.
Around 300 representatives – environmental experts, chemists, technical specialists etc. – from the different type and size companies in the Baltics are now informed about the possibilities to substitute hazardous substances they are using in their daily work.
11 hazardous substances already have been identified for the substitution activities of the project. Some of them may cause severe health problems by damaging fertility, causing genetic defects or cancer. Most of these substances are currently used in construction chemicals or consumer chemicals industry.
The project LIFE/Fit for REACH will help small and medium companies to overcome challenges of chemical management by REACH regulation. We want to help to prepare for the restrictions of tomorrow already today.